写真 Pictures of Ramou/ Songshan Today 現在の拉孟・松山戦場 

I just returned from a five-week climbing trip in the Himalayas. I took about three days to fly from Kuming to Baoshan and then hired a car and went looking for adventure. I visited the Huitong Bridge 恵通橋 and followed as closely as I could the Burma Road up to Ramou. I then approached on foot to by-pass most of the (deserted) tourist monuments to approach from all sides of the mountain about 100 metres from the summit. I saw what most do not see, the many remnants of the Chinese saps made to assault the Japanese positions. The furious nature of battle is very much evident…. still after 75 years.

While many parts of the Burma Road have been obliterated in the name of development, the sections near the bridge are still visible with their original cuttings beside the Salween (Nujiang River 怒江) River. The eastern side of the river has the original road traversing up and and over the ridge. It has been abandoned in favour of the newer roads in the valley.

The Huitong Bridge is no longer used and in spite of the memorial, appears to have few visitors. I was there for the better part of two hours and only had three stray, and rather friendly dogs to keep me company. There is a new bridge downriver and a major new bridge being constructed just up river. This latter monstrosity will cleave the jungle-filled valley and leave a rather nasty scar on the landscape.

Rod Szasz,  0ctober 30, 2017




3 thoughts on “写真 Pictures of Ramou/ Songshan Today 現在の拉孟・松山戦場 ”

  1. Awesome! Glad you’ve returned safe, I’ve lurked your blog for sometime now. Thank you for providing, people like me who thirst for Japanese information and history, with these posts! Keep it up! Before long you could even write your own book! 😉
    Cheers, Rob

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